Thursday, August 25, 2016

A little update

The first week of school was a bit of a whirlwind. All of the things that I learned about teaching would come and go at different times in my head so sometimes it was fine and sometimes it wasn't so fine. But I'm definitely getting the hang of things. God is good and I believe he won't let me fail too badly. Just enough to rely on him more. 

This weekend was much more chill than last weekend. I hung out around the city a little and watched some Olympics on a screen instead of in person.

It rained once this week. Apparently it wasn't supposed to rain this early, but it happened. The sky was super interesting. 

I walk to and from school every day. Part of my walk is along busy roads. But part of it is on a cute little path:

This weekend I fly to San Francisco for some finalizing of my visa stuff. Prayers for that whole process would be much appreciated. So much red tape to get into this country...

Monday, August 15, 2016


This weekend was probably once-in-a-lifetime...
First, I went to a soccer game here in Brasilia on Saturday. 
Germany beat Portugal 4-0.
Then yesterday, I went to Rio for the day with three other teachers to see some volleyball. 
We saw the Netherlands beat Serbia...
... And we saw South Korea beat Cameroon.
Then we went looking for the Olympic flame.
We walked along the water for a little while and saw just how gross it was.
Then we went to the airport with enough time to make it to make it to Starbucks before our flight. 
It was a good, full day. 
Then today it was back to school. 

Friday, August 12, 2016

First day (week) of school

I survived!
I felt very clearly like a first year teacher this week, but that will continue to improve as the days go by. 
I also had my first Brazilian food truck experience 
So far, so good. 

Monday, August 8, 2016


On Sundays the main highway is closed so it can be used for bikers and pedestrians. 

It's pretty hot out there (to me anyway), but there are still a ton of people who get out and use the space. 

It was good to take a Sabbath and do no school work before the craziness of this week set in. One more work day until kids show up. 

Church and school - from August 1

Things are going well. I love how easy this city is to navigate (so far). The numbered system of planned Brasilia is really easy to pick up. I haven't wandered too far, but will definitely do that more this weekend. 
I went to a Portuguese speaking church and did surprisingly well understanding things. While Portuguese does sound very different from Spanish, it sounds similar enough that I can understand some. Also, the pastor knew I was coming, so he printed out a copy of the sermon in English. Thank you, google translate. 
Yesterday was the first school day. 
Naturally, this is how the director/principal welcomed people to school. 

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Ah, the weekend

School starts Wednesday. Things are coming along. I decorated a bulletin board, which I would not generally consider my favorite thing. 
Yesterday I got to go bowling, which was pretty great (and almost identical to the US). I got the highest score of the night, so I won some points for my house cup, which is apparently a pretty big deal. 
Then I went to someone's apartment to watch the entirety of the opening ceremony on the local Brazilian channel. I've never watched the whole thing before. And I'm not sure that I ever will again... Especially in a language that I don't understand. I needed Matt Lauer and Bon Costas to explain what was happening. 

Today I went out to lunch at a Korean place (naturally). 

Then I went to Walmart with a few of the teachers. It was walmart-y, but not as big as most of the ones in the states. 

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Little Victories

I got my missing checked bag yesterday! I don't think I have ever been so excited to see a piece of luggage. I'm sure that there is some reason why I didn't get it for the first four days - that there is something that Jesus taught me through needing to do laundry to avoid running out of certain key clothing items, but I'm just not quite sure what that is yet.

Today, I also combed my hair for the first time since I was in the US (sorry mom). I was sure that I had packed my comb in my missing bag, but it turns out I didn't pack it at all... so today I had to go out and buy one. It's the little things in life...

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Today in Brasilia...

Leaving the school... I left after all the other high school teachers (I'm on one side of the hallway by myself). I walked to the gate, but the guard wasn't there. So I walked back in the school to find someone who might know how to contact him. No luck on any of the English-speaking staff, so I said in broken Portuguese to one of the maintenance guys, "eu nao sei como salir" (pretty close to I don't know how to leave). He then radioed the guard who opened the gate for me.